The Japanese garden behind “Taishakuten Temple” is wonderful!


Hi! My name is Hide!
This time the Japanese culture to introduce is the Japanese garden behind “Taishakuten Temple” !

It was wonderful only at the main shrine of “Taishakuten Temple”, but there is a wonderful Japanese garden behind the main shrine.
Let’s take a walking!

Let’s walk on the corridor

This beautiful Japanese garden is surrounded by the building, making it to walk around there.

In the building has become a traditional Japanese residence.

The floor is “TATAMI”.
The object that is far away is a door named “SHOJI”.
“SHOJI” is a door to put outside light.

The bent partition in the center of the room is “BYOBU”.

It quiet and very luxurious space.

There is a chandelier on the ceiling.
The beauty of Japan and the beauty of the Europa are fused perfectly.

Hanging scroll(KAKEJIKU) and Vase is beautiful!

It is quiet and very luxurious space.
My heart is healed.

Very elaborate “RANMA”

Sculpture called “Ranma” is decorated.
This is a very gorgeous one.

Take a walk in the garden

The Japanese garden is not only wide but there are various ingenuity.

Based on the lawn, there are planting, ponds, and stone towers.

The tripled stone tower
This is called “SANJYU-NO-TOU” in Japan.

The general Japanese garden is called “KAIYU-SHIKI-TEIEN” and it is in a style to walking around the pond.


Finally, a message from Hide

How was the Japanese garden?
Did you enjoy it?

I hope you will like Japanese culture more and like!

The Japanese garden behind “Taishakuten Temple”

See you agein!
