Conditions of this site

If you use Japan amazing culture (hereafter, this site), I agree as follows.

About the links

This page is link free.Link reporting is unnecessary.

Purpose of using personal information

On this site, you may be asked to register PersonalInformation such as name (or Your name on the web), e-mail address, etc. when making inquiries by e-mail, registering in e-mail magazine, etc.

These personal information will be used to answer questions and necessary information when you contact us by e-mail, etc. Other than that, we will not use it.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties

On this site, personal information is properly managed and will not be disclosed to a third party unless it falls under the following.
· When there is consent of the principal
· When disclosure is required for cooperation with laws and regulations

Disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use of personal information

In the case of hope of disclosure, correction, addition, deletion and suspension of use of personal data from the person himself, we will confirm that you are the principal, and we will respond promptly.


Cookies are used for some content on this site.
Cookie is information stored in the browser when you visit the site, but personal information such as your name and e-mail address is not included.

We may use cookie information to distribute effective advertisement to people who accessed this site and access analysis.
It is also possible to not use cookies, depending on browser settings.

The access analysis and advertisement service used on this site are as follows.
・Google Analytics
・Google Adsense

On this site, advertisements distributed by third-party distributors and ad networks will be posted using “Google Adsense”, an advertisement service distributed by third parties.
With this advertisement service, by using the cookie mentioned above, appropriate advertisements are displayed based on information visited by the user on this site and information visited to other sites in the past.

About change of privacy policy

We will comply with Japanese laws applicable to personal information and review the content of this policy from time to time to make efforts to improve it.

Caution and Disclaimer

I do not guarantee anything about the accuracy of this site’s information.
However, I try to write honestly with my actual experiences and senses.
Please judge the use of information of this site on your own.
Please note that we can not assume any responsibility for damages caused by the use of information on this site etc.
Information on this site may be changed / deleted without notice.

Policy to change article content

When sentence / context does not change greatly, I will change it from time to time.
In the case where the sentence / context changes dramatically or in the case of additional writing, we will state that fact in the article.


Copyrights and portrait rights of quotations and images / movies posted on this site belong to each rights owner.
If there is a problem in publication, we will respond if the right owner can contact directly.